Introducing our summer challenge 2023!
Make the most of the lovely summer weather and raise funds at the same time!
Our summer challenge encourages you to put your best foot forward, get outside and get active in a way that feels fun for you.
The aim is to cover 10 miles within a 3 month window, starting from 16th June 2023. You can clock up the miles in any way that feels great for you, whether that be on horseback, or by running, swimming, walking, cycling or even in a wheelchair. Just don’t forget to have fun doing it! Or if you’re feeling creative, set your own 10mile challenge.
The distance can either be covered in one stint or as a mini challenge, really making this accessible to more people. It’s your challenge, so do it your way.
Challenges are a fantastic way to push yourself, celebrate a milestone, commit to a fitness goal or to just raise money for a charity you love. So whether you’re celebrating a special birthday, just fancy the adventure, want to prove to others that you can do it, or you just want to fundraise for us, this is the best challenge for you to start with.
Every little really does help and the money you raise goes a really long way to helping us with our mission. We want to continue to both re-home suitable ex-racehorses with loving new owners and also continue to provide a secure lifetime home for our long term residents and those who, through no fault of their own, cannot be re-homed.
We also think your hard work, commitment and determination needs celebrating, so all registered entrants who raise over £50 for us will receive a winners rosette and be invited to attend our open day to be presented with their prize and shown our true appreciation. Plus you can then meet the horses you’ve directly helped through your fundraising efforts.
We always want to put the FUN into fundraising and hope our summer challenge has got you thinking about how you can get involved. As ever, if you have any questions, please do get in touch. We’d love to celebrate you on our social media, so if you have any social accounts or business pages you’d love us to celebrate, please do share those with us too and we can support and share your journey.
The Challenge must be completed between Friday 16th June and Saturday 16th September (our open day at our Pulborough yard). To Register please email ‘Summer Challenge’ and your contact details to info@theracehorsesanctuary.org
Please donate now whatever you can.
To donate any amount, please visit our Summer Challenge 2023 Just Giving Page.

You can TEXT donations to The Racehorse Sanctuary’s Summer Challenge 2023.
- To donate £1, text HORS001 to 70201
- To donate £3, text HORS001 to 70331
- To donate £5, text HORS001 to 70970
- To donate £10, text HORS001 to 70191
Please follow the message instructions to register for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
You can send a cheque payable to The Racehorse Sanctuary to us at:
The Racehorse Sanctuary
Admin Office: 2 Crouch Farm Cottages,
West Sussex GU28 0LQ
Please state Summer Challenge 2023 in the payment reference and transfer to:
Account name: The Racehorse Sanctuary
Account number: 03592497
Sort code: 30-94-41
Fundraising, payments, and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see easydonate.org.